Source code for pysubgroup.gp_growth

import itertools
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

import pysubgroup as ps

[docs]def identity(x, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return x
[docs]class GpGrowth: def __init__(self, mode="b_u"): self.GP_node = namedtuple( "GP_node", ["cls", "id", "parent", "children", "stats"] ) self.minSupp = 10 self.tqdm = identity self.depth = 0 self.mode = mode # specify eihther b_u (bottom up) or t_d (top down) self.constraints_monotone = [] self.results = [] self.task = [] # Future: There also is the option of a stable mode # which never creates the prefix trees
[docs] def prepare_selectors(self, search_space, data): selectors = [] assert len(search_space) > 0, "Provided searchspace was empty" for selector in search_space: cov_arr = selector.covers(data) selectors.append((np.count_nonzero(cov_arr), selector, cov_arr)) selectors = [ (size, selector, arr) for size, selector, arr in selectors if all( constraint.is_satisfied(arr, slice(None), data) for constraint in self.constraints_monotone ) ] sorted_selectors = sorted(selectors, reverse=True) self.remove_selectors_with_low_optimistic_estimate( sorted_selectors, len(search_space) ) selectors_sorted = [selector for size, selector, arr in sorted_selectors] if len(selectors_sorted) == 0: arrs = np.empty((0, 0), dtype=np.bool_) else: arrs = np.vstack([arr for size, selector, arr in sorted_selectors]).T # print(selectors_sorted) return selectors_sorted, arrs
[docs] def remove_selectors_with_low_optimistic_estimate(self, s, search_space_size): if not hasattr(self.task.qf, "optimistic_estimate"): return if search_space_size > self.task.result_set_size: # remove selectors which have to lo of an optimistic estimate # selectors_map = {selector : i for i,(_, selector, _) in enumerate(s)} stats = [] for _, _, cov_arr in s: statistics = self.task.qf.calculate_statistics( cov_arr,, ) stats.append(statistics) quality = self.task.qf.evaluate( cov_arr,,, statistics ) ps.add_if_required( self.results, None, quality, self.task, statistics=statistics ) del statistics to_pop = [] min_quality = ps.minimum_required_quality(self.results, self.task) for i, ((_, _, cov_arr), statistics) in enumerate(zip(s, stats)): if ( not self.task.qf.optimistic_estimate( cov_arr,,, statistics ) > min_quality ): to_pop.append(i) self.task.min_quality = np.nextafter( float(min_quality), self.task.min_quality ) for i in reversed(to_pop): s.pop(i) self.results.clear()
[docs] def nodes_to_cls_nodes(self, nodes): cls_nodes = defaultdict(list) for node in nodes: cls_nodes[node.cls].append(node) return cls_nodes
[docs] def setup_from_quality_function(self, qf): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.get_stats = qf.gp_get_stats self.get_null_vector = qf.gp_get_null_vector self.merge = qf.gp_merge self.requires_cover_arr = qf.gp_requires_cover_arr
# pylint: enable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs] def setup_constraints(self, constraints, qf): self.constraints_monotone = constraints for constraint in self.constraints_monotone: constraint.gp_prepare(qf) if self.mode == "t_d" and len(self.constraints_monotone) == 0: warnings.warn( """Poor runtime expected: Top down method does not use optimistic estimates and no constraints were provided""", UserWarning, ) if len(constraints) == 1: self.check_constraints = constraints[0].gp_is_satisfied
[docs] def check_constraints(self, node): # pylint: disable=method-hidden return all( constraint.gp_is_satisfied(node) for constraint in self.constraints_monotone )
[docs] def setup(self, task): self.task = task task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, self.depth = task.depth self.setup_constraints(task.constraints_monotone, task.qf) self.setup_from_quality_function(task.qf)
[docs] def create_initial_tree(self, arrs): # Create tree root = self.GP_node(-1, -1, None, {}, self.get_null_vector()) nodes = [] for row_index, row in self.tqdm( enumerate(arrs), "creating tree", total=len(arrs) ): self.normal_insert( root, nodes, self.get_stats(row_index), np.nonzero(row)[0] ) nodes.append(root) return root, nodes
[docs] def execute(self, task): assert self.mode in ("b_u", "t_d"), "mode needs to be either b_u or t_d" self.setup(task) selectors_sorted, arrs = self.prepare_selectors(task.search_space, root, nodes = self.create_initial_tree(arrs) # mine tree cls_nodes = self.nodes_to_cls_nodes(nodes) if self.mode == "b_u": self.recurse(cls_nodes, tuple()) elif self.mode == "t_d": results = self.recurse_top_down(cls_nodes, root) results = self.calculate_quality_function_for_patterns(task, results, arrs) for quality, sg, stats in results: ps.add_if_required( self.results, sg, quality, self.task, statistics=stats ) self.results = self.convert_results_to_subgroups(self.results, selectors_sorted) self.results = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(self.results, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(self.results, task)
[docs] def convert_results_to_subgroups(self, results, selectors_sorted): new_result = [] for quality, indices, stats in results: selectors = [selectors_sorted[i] for i in indices] sg = ps.Conjunction(selectors) new_result.append((quality, sg, stats)) return new_result
[docs] def calculate_quality_function_for_patterns(self, task, results, arrs): out = [] for indices, gp_params in self.tqdm( results, "computing quality function", ): if self.requires_cover_arr: if len(indices) == 1: cover_arr = arrs[:, indices[0]] else: cover_arr = np.all([arrs[:, i] for i in indices]) statistics = task.qf.gp_get_params(cover_arr, gp_params) sg = cover_arr else: statistics = task.qf.gp_get_params(None, gp_params) sg = None # qual1 = task.qf.evaluate(sg, task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg, qual2 = task.qf.evaluate(sg,,, statistics) out.append((qual2, indices, statistics)) return out
[docs] def normal_insert(self, root, nodes, new_stats, classes): node = root for cls in classes: if cls not in node.children: new_child = self.GP_node( cls, len(nodes), node, {}, self.get_null_vector() ) nodes.append(new_child) node.children[cls] = new_child self.merge(node.stats, new_stats) node = node.children[cls] self.merge(node.stats, new_stats) return node
[docs] def add_if_required(self, prefix, gp_stats): statistics = self.task.qf.gp_get_params(None, gp_stats) quality = self.task.qf.evaluate(None, None, None, statistics) ps.add_if_required( self.results, prefix, quality, self.task, statistics=statistics )
[docs] def recurse(self, cls_nodes, prefix, is_single_path=False): if len(cls_nodes) == 0: raise RuntimeError # pragma: no cover self.add_if_required(prefix, cls_nodes[-1][0].stats) if len(prefix) >= self.depth: return # pragma: no cover stats_dict = self.get_stats_for_class(cls_nodes) if not self.requires_cover_arr: statistics = self.task.qf.gp_get_params(None, cls_nodes[-1][0].stats) optimistic_estimate = self.task.qf.optimistic_estimate( None,,, statistics ) if not optimistic_estimate >= ps.minimum_required_quality( self.results, self.task ): return if is_single_path: if len(cls_nodes) == 1 and -1 in cls_nodes: return del stats_dict[-1] # remove root node all_combinations = ps.powerset( stats_dict.keys(), max_length=self.depth - len(prefix) + 1 ) for comb in all_combinations: # it might still be, that stats_dict[comb[-1]] is wrong # if that is the case then # stats_dict[comb[0]] is correct if len(comb) > 0: self.add_if_required(prefix + comb, stats_dict[comb[-1]]) else: for cls, nodes in cls_nodes.items(): if cls >= 0: if self.check_constraints(stats_dict[cls]): if len(prefix) == (self.depth - 1): self.add_if_required((*prefix, cls), stats_dict[cls]) else: is_single_path_now = len(nodes) == 1 new_tree = self.create_new_tree_from_nodes(nodes) if len(new_tree) > 0: self.recurse( new_tree, (*prefix, cls), is_single_path_now )
[docs] def recurse_top_down(self, cls_nodes, root, depth_in=0): # print(f"{depth_in}"+"\t"*depth_in+str(root.cls)) # print("init root", root.cls) # print(depth_in) # self.check_tree_is_ordered(root) results = [] curr_depth = depth_in stats_dict = self.get_stats_for_class(cls_nodes) is_valid_class = { key: self.check_constraints(gp_stats) for key, gp_stats in stats_dict.items() } # init_class = root.cls # direct_child = None init_root = root alpha = [] while True: if root.cls == -1: pass else: alpha.append(root.cls) if len(root.children) == 1 and curr_depth <= self.depth: # print(f"Path optmization {len(root.children)}") # curr_depth += 1 potential_root = next(iter(root.children.values())) if is_valid_class[potential_root.cls]: root = potential_root else: break else: break # self.get_prefixes_top_down(alpha, max_length=self.depth - depth_in + 1) # # assert len(alpha) > 0 prefixes = list(ps.powerset(alpha, max_length=self.depth - depth_in + 1))[1:] # prefixes = list(map(lambda x: sum(x, tuple()), prefixes)) # print(root.cls, list(root.children), prefixes) # print("AAA", list(cls_nodes.keys())) if init_root.cls == -1: prefixes.append(tuple()) for prefix in prefixes: if len(prefix) == 0: if is_valid_class[init_root.cls]: results.append((prefix, stats_dict[init_root.cls])) continue cls = prefix[-1] if is_valid_class[cls]: results.append((prefix, stats_dict[cls])) # suffixes = [((), root.stats)] suffixes = [] if curr_depth == (self.depth - 1): # print(f"{depth_in}"+"\t"*depth_in+"B") for cls, stats in stats_dict.items(): if cls < 0 or cls in alpha: continue assert cls > max( alpha ), f"{cls} {max(alpha)}, {alpha}, {list(stats_dict.keys())}" suffixes.append(((cls,), stats)) else: # print(f"{depth_in}"+"\t"*depth_in+"A") for cls in stats_dict: if cls < 0 or cls in alpha: continue if is_valid_class[cls]: # Future: There is also the possibility # to compute the stats_dict of the prefix tree # without creating the prefix tree first # This might be useful if curr_depth == self.depth - 2 # as we need not recreate the tree new_root, nodes = self.get_top_down_tree_for_class( cls_nodes, cls, is_valid_class ) # self.check_tree_is_ordered(new_root) # self.check_tree_is_ordered(init_root) if len(nodes) > 0: new_cls_nodes = self.nodes_to_cls_nodes(nodes) # new_dict = self.get_stats_for_class(new_cls_nodes) # for key, value in new_dict.items(): # if isinstance(stats_dict[key], dict): # continue # assert stats_dict[key][0]>=value[0], \ # f"{stats_dict[key][0]} {value[0]}" # assert stats_dict[key][1]>=value[1], \ # f"{stats_dict[key][1]} {value[1]}" # print(" " * curr_depth, cls, curr_depth, len(new_cls_nodes)) suffixes.extend( self.recurse_top_down( new_cls_nodes, new_root, curr_depth + 1 ) ) # if prefixes == [(12,), (13,)]: # print(f"{depth_in}"+"\t"*depth_in+ "pre, suf", prefixes) # the combination below can be optimized to avoid the if # by first grouping them by length results.extend( [ ((*pre, *suf), gp_stats) for pre, (suf, gp_stats) in itertools.product(prefixes, suffixes) if len(pre) + len(suf) <= self.depth and (len(pre) == 0 or pre[-1] < suf[0]) ] ) # if prefixes == [(12,), (13,)]: # print(f"{depth_in}"+"\t"*depth_in+ "results", results) # print() return results
[docs] def check_tree_is_ordered(self, root, prefix=None): # pragma: no cover """Verify that the nodes of a tree are sorted in ascending order""" if prefix is None: prefix = [] s = {root.cls} for cls, child in root.children.items(): assert child.cls > root.cls, f"{prefix} , {cls}" s2 = self.check_tree_is_ordered(child, prefix + [cls]) s = s.union(s2) return s
[docs] def get_top_down_tree_for_class(self, cls_nodes, cls, is_valid_class): # Future: Can eventually also remove infrequent nodes already # during tree creation base_root = None nodes = [] if len(cls_nodes[cls]) > 0 and is_valid_class[cls]: base_root = self.create_copy_of_tree_top_down( cls_nodes[cls][0], nodes, is_valid_class=is_valid_class ) for from_root in cls_nodes[cls][1:]: self.merge_trees_top_down(nodes, base_root, from_root, is_valid_class) return base_root, nodes
[docs] def create_copy_of_tree_top_down( self, from_root, nodes=None, parent=None, is_valid_class=None ): if nodes is None: nodes = [] # pragma: no cover # if len(nodes) == 0: # root_cls = -1 children = {} new_root = self.GP_node( from_root.cls, len(nodes), parent, children, from_root.stats.copy() ) nodes.append(new_root) for child_cls, child in from_root.children.items(): if is_valid_class is None or child_cls in is_valid_class: new_child = self.create_copy_of_tree_top_down( child, nodes, new_root, is_valid_class=is_valid_class ) children[child_cls] = new_child return new_root
[docs] def merge_trees_top_down(self, nodes, mutable_root, from_root, is_valid_class): self.merge(mutable_root.stats, from_root.stats) for cls in from_root.children: if cls not in mutable_root.children: new_child = self.create_copy_of_tree_top_down( from_root.children[cls], nodes, mutable_root, is_valid_class=is_valid_class, ) mutable_root.children[cls] = new_child else: self.merge_trees_top_down( nodes, mutable_root.children[cls], from_root.children[cls], is_valid_class=is_valid_class, )
[docs] def get_stats_for_class(self, cls_nodes): out = {} for key, nodes in cls_nodes.items(): s = self.get_null_vector() for node in nodes: self.merge(s, node.stats) out[key] = s return out
[docs] def create_new_tree_from_nodes(self, nodes): new_nodes = {} for node in nodes: nodes_upwards = self.get_nodes_upwards(node) self.create_copy_of_path(nodes_upwards[1:], new_nodes, node.stats) # self.remove_infrequent_nodes(new_nodes) cls_nodes = defaultdict(list) for new_node in new_nodes.values(): cls_nodes[new_node.cls].append(new_node) return cls_nodes
[docs] def create_copy_of_path(self, nodes, new_nodes, stats): parent = None for node in reversed(nodes): if not in new_nodes: new_node = self.GP_node(node.cls,, parent, {}, stats.copy()) new_nodes[] = new_node else: new_node = new_nodes[] self.merge(new_node.stats, stats) if parent is not None: parent.children[new_node.cls] = new_node parent = new_node
[docs] def get_nodes_upwards(self, node): ref = node path = [] while True: path.append(ref) ref = ref.parent if ref is None: break return path
[docs] def to_file(self, task, path): self.setup(task) _, arrs = self.prepare_selectors(task.search_space, # Create tree to_str = task.qf.gp_to_str path = Path(path).absolute() print(path) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for row_index, row in self.tqdm( enumerate(arrs), "creating tree", total=len(arrs) ): f.write( " ".join(map(str, np.nonzero(row)[0])) + " " + to_str(self.get_stats(row_index)) + "\n" )