Source code for pysubgroup.algorithms

Created on 29.04.2016

@author: lemmerfn
import copy
import warnings
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, namedtuple
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from itertools import chain, combinations
from math import factorial

import numpy as np

import pysubgroup as ps

[docs]class SubgroupDiscoveryTask: """ Capsulates all parameters required to perform standard subgroup discovery """ def __init__( self, data, target, search_space, qf, result_set_size=10, depth=3, min_quality=float("-inf"), constraints=None, ): = data = target self.search_space = search_space self.qf = qf self.result_set_size = result_set_size self.depth = depth self.min_quality = min_quality if constraints is None: constraints = [] self.constraints = constraints self.constraints_monotone = [ constr for constr in constraints if constr.is_monotone ] self.constraints_other = [ constr for constr in constraints if not constr.is_monotone ]
[docs]def constraints_satisfied(constraints, subgroup, statistics=None, data=None): return all( constr.is_satisfied(subgroup, statistics, data) for constr in constraints )
[docs]class Apriori: def __init__( self, representation_type=None, combination_name="Conjunction", use_numba=True ): self.combination_name = combination_name if representation_type is None: representation_type = ps.BitSetRepresentation self.representation_type = representation_type self.use_vectorization = True self.optimistic_estimate_name = "optimistic_estimate" self.next_level = self.get_next_level self.compiled_func = None if use_numba: try: # TODO: used? import numba # pylint: disable=unused-import, import-outside-toplevel # noqa: F401, E501 self.next_level = self.get_next_level_numba print("Apriori: Using numba for speedup") except ImportError: pass
[docs] def get_next_level_candidates(self, task, result, next_level_candidates): promising_candidates = [] optimistic_estimate_function = getattr(task.qf, self.optimistic_estimate_name) for sg in next_level_candidates: statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, ps.add_if_required( result, sg, task.qf.evaluate(sg, statistics,,, task, statistics=statistics, ) optimistic_estimate = optimistic_estimate_function( sg,,, statistics ) if optimistic_estimate >= ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): if ps.constraints_satisfied( task.constraints_monotone, sg, statistics, ): promising_candidates.append((optimistic_estimate, sg.selectors)) min_quality = ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task) promising_candidates = [ selectors for estimate, selectors in promising_candidates if estimate > min_quality ] return promising_candidates
[docs] def get_next_level_candidates_vectorized(self, task, result, next_level_candidates): promising_candidates = [] statistics = [] optimistic_estimate_function = getattr(task.qf, self.optimistic_estimate_name) for sg in next_level_candidates: statistics.append(task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, tpl_class = statistics[0].__class__ vec_statistics = tpl_class._make(np.array(tpl) for tpl in zip(*statistics)) qualities = task.qf.evaluate(None,,, vec_statistics) optimistic_estimates = optimistic_estimate_function( None, None, None, vec_statistics ) for sg, quality, stats in zip(next_level_candidates, qualities, statistics): ps.add_if_required(result, sg, quality, task, statistics=stats) min_quality = ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task) for sg, optimistic_estimate in zip(next_level_candidates, optimistic_estimates): if optimistic_estimate >= min_quality: promising_candidates.append(sg.selectors) return promising_candidates
[docs] def get_next_level_numba(self, promising_candidates): from numba import njit # pylint: disable=import-error, import-outside-toplevel if not hasattr(self, "compiled_func") or self.compiled_func is None: @njit def getNewCandidates(candidates, hashes): # pragma: no cover result = [] for i in range(len(candidates) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(candidates)): if hashes[i] == hashes[j]: if np.all(candidates[i, :-1] == candidates[j, :-1]): result.append((i, j)) return result self.compiled_func = getNewCandidates all_selectors = Counter(chain.from_iterable(promising_candidates)) all_selectors_ids = {selector: i for i, selector in enumerate(all_selectors)} promising_candidates_selector_ids = [ tuple(all_selectors_ids[sel] for sel in selectors) for selectors in promising_candidates ] arr = np.array(promising_candidates_selector_ids, dtype=int) print(len(arr)) hashes = np.array( [hash(tuple(x[:-1])) for x in promising_candidates_selector_ids], dtype=np.int64, ) candidates_int = self.compiled_func(arr, hashes) return list( (*promising_candidates[i], promising_candidates[j][-1]) for i, j in candidates_int )
[docs] def get_next_level(self, promising_candidates): by_prefix_dict = defaultdict(list) for sg in promising_candidates: by_prefix_dict[tuple(sg[:-1])].append(sg[-1]) return [ prefix + real_suffix for prefix, suffixes in by_prefix_dict.items() for real_suffix in combinations(sorted(suffixes), 2) ]
[docs] def execute(self, task): if not isinstance(task.qf, ps.BoundedInterestingnessMeasure): raise RuntimeWarning("Quality function is unbounded, long runtime expected") task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, with self.representation_type(, task.search_space) as representation: combine_selectors = getattr(representation.__class__, self.combination_name) result = [] # init the first level next_level_candidates = [] for sel in task.search_space: sg = combine_selectors([sel]) if ps.constraints_satisfied( task.constraints_monotone, sg, None, ): next_level_candidates.append(sg) # level-wise search depth = 1 while next_level_candidates: # check sgs from the last level if self.use_vectorization: promising_candidates = self.get_next_level_candidates_vectorized( task, result, next_level_candidates ) else: promising_candidates = self.get_next_level_candidates( task, result, next_level_candidates ) if depth == task.depth: break next_level_candidates_no_pruning = self.next_level(promising_candidates) # select those selectors and build a subgroup from them # for which all subsets of length depth (=candidate length -1) # are in the set of promising candidates set_promising_candidates = set(tuple(p) for p in promising_candidates) next_level_candidates = [ combine_selectors(selectors) for selectors in next_level_candidates_no_pruning if all( (subset in set_promising_candidates) for subset in combinations(selectors, depth) ) ] depth = depth + 1 result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs]class BestFirstSearch:
[docs] def execute(self, task): result = [] queue = [(float("-inf"), ps.Conjunction([]))] operator = ps.StaticSpecializationOperator(task.search_space) task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, while queue: q, old_description = heappop(queue) q = -q if not q > ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): break for candidate_description in operator.refinements(old_description): sg = candidate_description statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, ps.add_if_required( result, sg, task.qf.evaluate(sg,,, statistics), task, statistics=statistics, ) if len(candidate_description) < task.depth: optimistic_estimate = task.qf.optimistic_estimate( sg,,, statistics ) # compute refinements and fill the queue if optimistic_estimate >= ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): if ps.constraints_satisfied( task.constraints_monotone, candidate_description, statistics,, ): heappush( queue, (-optimistic_estimate, candidate_description) ) result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs]class GeneralisingBFS: # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.alpha = 1.10 self.discarded = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.refined = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[docs] def execute(self, task): result = [] queue = [] operator = ps.StaticGeneralizationOperator(task.search_space) # init the first level for sel in task.search_space: queue.append((float("-inf"), ps.Disjunction([sel]))) task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, while queue: q, candidate_description = heappop(queue) q = -q if q < ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): break sg = candidate_description statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, quality = task.qf.evaluate(sg, statistics) ps.add_if_required(result, sg, quality, task, statistics=statistics) qual = ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task) if (quality, sg) in result: new_queue = [] for q_tmp, c_tmp in queue: if (-q_tmp) > qual: heappush(new_queue, (q_tmp, c_tmp)) queue = new_queue optimistic_estimate = task.qf.optimistic_estimate( sg,,, statistics ) # else: # ps.add_if_required( # result, sg, task.qf.evaluate_from_dataset(, sg), task) # optimistic_estimate = task.qf.optimistic_generalisation_from_dataset( #, sg) if qf_is_bounded else float("inf") # compute refinements and fill the queue if len(candidate_description) < task.depth and ( optimistic_estimate / self.alpha ** (len(candidate_description) + 1) ) >= ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): # print(qual) # print(optimistic_estimate) self.refined[len(candidate_description)] += 1 # print(str(candidate_description)) for new_description in operator.refinements(candidate_description): heappush(queue, (-optimistic_estimate, new_description)) else: self.discarded[len(candidate_description)] += 1 result.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for qual, sg in result: print(f"{qual} {sg}") print("discarded " + str(self.discarded)) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs]class BeamSearch: """ Implements the BeamSearch algorithm. Its a basic implementation """ def __init__(self, beam_width=20, beam_width_adaptive=False): self.beam_width = beam_width self.beam_width_adaptive = beam_width_adaptive
[docs] def execute(self, task): # adapt beam width to the result set size if desired beam_width = self.beam_width if self.beam_width_adaptive: beam_width = task.result_set_size # check if beam size is to small for result set if beam_width < task.result_set_size: raise RuntimeError( "Beam width in the beam search algorithm " "is smaller than the result set size!" ) task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, # init beam = [ ( 0, ps.Conjunction([]), task.qf.calculate_statistics(slice(None),,, ) ] previous_beam = None depth = 0 while beam != previous_beam and depth < task.depth: previous_beam = beam.copy() for _, last_sg, _ in previous_beam: if not getattr(last_sg, "visited", False): setattr(last_sg, "visited", True) for sel in task.search_space: # create a clone new_selectors = list(last_sg.selectors) if sel not in new_selectors: new_selectors.append(sel) sg = ps.Conjunction(new_selectors) statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics( sg,, ) quality = task.qf.evaluate( sg,,, statistics ) ps.add_if_required( beam, sg, quality, task, check_for_duplicates=True, statistics=statistics, explicit_result_set_size=beam_width, ) depth += 1 # result = beam[-task.result_set_size:] while len(beam) > task.result_set_size: heappop(beam) result = beam result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs]class SimpleSearch: def __init__(self, show_progress=True): self.show_progress = show_progress
[docs] def execute(self, task): task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, result = [] all_selectors = chain.from_iterable( combinations(task.search_space, r) for r in range(1, task.depth + 1) ) if self.show_progress: try: from import tqdm # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel def binomial(x, y): try: binom = factorial(x) // factorial(y) // factorial(x - y) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover binom = 0 return binom total = sum( binomial(len(task.search_space), k) for k in range(1, task.depth + 1) ) all_selectors = tqdm(all_selectors, total=total) except ImportError: warnings.warn( "tqdm not installed but show_progress=True", ImportWarning ) for selectors in all_selectors: sg = ps.Conjunction(selectors) statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, quality = task.qf.evaluate(sg,,, statistics) ps.add_if_required(result, sg, quality, task, statistics=statistics) result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs]class SimpleDFS:
[docs] def execute(self, task, use_optimistic_estimates=True): task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, result = self.search_internal( task, [], task.search_space, [], use_optimistic_estimates ) result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs] def search_internal( self, task, prefix, modification_set, result, use_optimistic_estimates ): sg = ps.Conjunction(copy.copy(prefix)) statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, if ( use_optimistic_estimates and len(prefix) < task.depth and isinstance(task.qf, ps.BoundedInterestingnessMeasure) ): optimistic_estimate = task.qf.optimistic_estimate( sg,,, statistics ) if not optimistic_estimate > ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): return result quality = task.qf.evaluate(sg,,, statistics) ps.add_if_required(result, sg, quality, task, statistics=statistics) if not ps.constraints_satisfied( task.constraints_monotone, sg, statistics=statistics, ): return result if len(prefix) < task.depth: new_modification_set = copy.copy(modification_set) for sel in modification_set: prefix.append(sel) new_modification_set.pop(0) self.search_internal( task, prefix, new_modification_set, result, use_optimistic_estimates ) # remove the sel again prefix.pop(-1) return result
[docs]class DFS: """ Implementation of a depth-first-search with look-ahead using a provided datastructure. """ def __init__(self, apply_representation): self.target_bitset = None self.apply_representation = apply_representation self.operator = None self.params_tpl = namedtuple( "StandardQF_parameters", ("size_sg", "positives_count") )
[docs] def execute(self, task): self.operator = ps.StaticSpecializationOperator(task.search_space) task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, result = [] with self.apply_representation(, task.search_space) as representation: self.search_internal(task, result, representation.Conjunction([])) result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs] def search_internal(self, task, result, sg): statistics = task.qf.calculate_statistics(sg,, if not constraints_satisfied( task.constraints_monotone, sg, statistics, ): return optimistic_estimate = task.qf.optimistic_estimate( sg,,, statistics ) if not optimistic_estimate > ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): return quality = task.qf.evaluate(sg,,, statistics) ps.add_if_required(result, sg, quality, task, statistics=statistics) if sg.depth < task.depth: for new_sg in self.operator.refinements(sg): self.search_internal(task, result, new_sg)
[docs]class DFSNumeric: tpl = namedtuple("size_mean_parameters", ("size_sg", "mean")) def __init__(self): self.pop_size = 0 self.f = None self.target_values = None self.bitsets = {} self.num_calls = 0 self.evaluate = None
[docs] def execute(self, task): if not isinstance(task.qf, ps.StandardQFNumeric): raise RuntimeError( "BSD_numeric so far is only implemented for StandardQFNumeric" ) self.pop_size = len( sorted_data =[0], ascending=False ) # generate target bitset self.target_values = sorted_data[[0]].to_numpy() task.qf.calculate_constant_statistics(, # generate selector bitsets self.bitsets = {} for sel in task.search_space: # generate bitset self.bitsets[sel] = sel.covers(sorted_data) result = self.search_internal( task, [], task.search_space, [], np.ones(len(sorted_data), dtype=bool) ) result = ps.prepare_subgroup_discovery_result(result, task) return ps.SubgroupDiscoveryResult(result, task)
[docs] def search_internal(self, task, prefix, modification_set, result, bitset): self.num_calls += 1 sg_size = bitset.sum() if sg_size == 0: return result target_values_sg = self.target_values[bitset] target_values_cs = np.cumsum(target_values_sg, dtype=np.float64) sizes = np.arange(1, len(target_values_cs) + 1) mean_values_cs = target_values_cs / sizes tpl = DFSNumeric.tpl(sizes, mean_values_cs) qualities = task.qf.evaluate(None, None, None, tpl) optimistic_estimate = np.max(qualities) if optimistic_estimate <= ps.minimum_required_quality(result, task): return result sg = ps.Conjunction(copy.copy(prefix)) quality = qualities[-1] ps.add_if_required(result, sg, quality, task) if len(prefix) < task.depth: new_modification_set = copy.copy(modification_set) for sel in modification_set: prefix.append(sel) new_bitset = bitset & self.bitsets[sel] new_modification_set.pop(0) self.search_internal( task, prefix, new_modification_set, result, new_bitset ) # remove the sel again prefix.pop(-1) return result